Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gold Mine Fined

Fine of $90,000 was imposed on Claude Resources Inc. a gold mining company in Saskatoon. It had violated the federal Fisheries Act. This has caused a great amount of problem to the fisheries. the water body is full of fish and the company had deposited its waste. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saskatchewan/story/2010/09/28/sk-claude-fined-1009.html
Everyday one gets to know about these type of water pollution. recently there has been a increase in the number of water pollution that we get to hear each day. This happened because now the eyes of the environmental agencies and the government have opened. So a detail study of each small thing is being made so many cases can be heard now a days. 
They opened the underground gold mine in 1991 and it initially produced about 900,000 ounces of gold. Now the production has decreased. this means that already most of it have been extracted by them. http://www.thestarphoenix.com/technology/Gold+operation+fined+over+pollution/3588932/story.html

POSCO's judgment delayed

Posco a South Korean steel major, project in Orissa still waits for the decision. The government has set up a committee to check all details and submit a report. according to this report the decision will be taken. The committee is to investigate the status of the implementation of the Forest Rights Act, and the status of the implementation of the rehabilitation and resettlement plans. It also has to check the past record of Posco, whether they had any environmental related issues or not. They visited the Posco's captive port site at Jatadhari river mouth near Paradip port in Jagatsinghpur district and also met officials of Orissa State Pollution Control Board, Posco and Paradip Port Trust.
The Indian government has finally opened their eyes and started to investigate things they where suppose to do earlier also. But this did not happened. Due to this many local people have been facing problems which where near the construction sites. SAIL has seek help from the Orissa's government for the clearance report on environment. The people's consent must also be taken into account at the sametime. They must have proper instruments to process the waste before giving it in nature. If all the conditions are satisfied then the permission can be given, as it will also develop the economy of our country. But not at the cost of  the nature.

Stop green House Gases

Government has given permission to the Environmental Agencies to implement the rules they have made. Though in the beginning the government was not in its for but now the permission have been granted for them to take any steps they feel necessary to stop the pollution.
Still the agencies have a problem to deal with the industries and factories, who are against the rules made by them. They are only interested in making money and nothing else comes in their mind, first thing that strikes that is money and end also with profit. If these rules become applicable then the factories will face huge amount of problem. The waste which the factories where deposited to the water way near by. No processing is done. The toxic elements are not separated from the waste. This when mixes with water causes pollution. The gases that the factories release in the air causes the green house effect.
Now if the rules become active then they have to process the waste before being deposited, which in turn will require more money invest. Thus the industrialists are against the laws. When will they start thinking as human beings and not as a businessman. It is great that the government is there with the agencies or else the industrialists would get a good opportunity to not following the rules. But now they would be bound to follow them.

Rally for Bay cleaning

The people can never be suppressed, how much the government tries to stop them from making any rally. In my last blog many miners where arrested for protesting for mountain top mining. Still the people did not lose or faith in their government. They are sure that it will surely have a positive effect. After the 60s once again people have taken up rallies as a way of protest. In Pennsylvania people have opted the same method for protest. Though they where aware of the arrest of the miners they still did not back out. This time it is bay clean up. The people have understood the problem they will face from water pollution. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/features/green/2010/09/activists_to_rally_for_bay_cle.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+B-moreGreen+%28B%27More+Green%29
I was happy to be proven wrong, that the event of the rally against the mountain top mining and their arrest had a positive effect instead of a negative one. If it continues this way then the day is not far behind that the government will have to take decision in the people's favour.  

Miners arrested for protesting

A US Environmental Protection Agency had conducted a rally with the local people and miners to stop mining in the mountain top . Though the agency is trying to do some thing but the government also needs to support them. Without the help of the government how much success the agencies can get. 
If the government does not understand the need to protect the environment then the agencies can do nothing. If the people try to do something they are suppressed by the government. At one end we feel happy that the people are trying do do something for the nature but if in this way the government suppress es the people will no longer will come up and participate in the rallies which is related to the environmental issues. About 100 miners where arrested. This will automatically have a negative effect on the mind set of people. http://www.greenchipstocks.com/articles/mountaintop-mining-protest-ends-with-arrests/1114  
 In days to come they will keep quiet and take all things for granted. As they will be under the impression that no results will be seen in their side. The protest will go in vein.  So, what the use of wasting time, this will strike their mind and they will no longer protest.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hindu Festival and Environmental problems

In Hinduism there is a of immersion of god's idol in the water. It is part of the ritual. big procession are carried out while the god is taken. Recently there was the Ganesh festival or so called Ganesh Chaturthi.
Did even one think that what amount of pollution it is causing to the water. The idols are made of clay and mud which causes no harm . this can easily mix with the water. But what about the paints. the idols are painted with bright colours and are made to look beautiful. these paints when dissolve into water in becomes toxic. the harmful chemicals that are mixed with the paint tend to make the water polluted. http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/09/26/green.ganesh.eco/?hpt=C2
 the people feel happy after the whole festival is over but the marine life becomes unhappy. they get disturbed by it, a it suddenly goes inside water and later bye the chemicals.Why will god want to destroy its own creatures? They have also the full right to live freely. There is no where mention that the idols are to be immersed in water.  So why do we inter fear in their life? Mhy can not we let them lead their happy life?

Concern for Oil Spills

Apparently plans to ask states to implement regulations it is developing to limit greenhouse gas emissions.the plans are being made but they are not even sure that whether it will be successful or not. They have just taken an initiative.
This plans are being made because this year a great number of oil spills have been reported from all over the world. So, this have struck their mind and they have started to take actions.The number of water bodies which are polluted and need clean up have also increased. All together causing a great amount of water pollution in different ways. http://washingtonindependent.com/98761/epa-administrator-addresses-concerns-about-oil-spill-waste-management     
At the same time New Mexico Environment Department has received an award for state’s water quality program. The program will prevent, reduce, and eliminate water pollution through biological and habitat data management and analysis, continuous water quality monitoring, and sediment and siltation data collection and analysis.
This proves that if one wants to do something good it is possible. Sill the nature can be saved if taken proper care. 

Miners protest aganist mining

Finally people are realizing the need to keep their environment clean. the people are protesting against the government if they are doing something wrong. the people of Appalachia and the supporters making a rally to protest against the mountaintop removal mining.
They had the guts to make a petition to the president of this situation. They have realized that it causes a great amount of pollution. They also demanded the end the destructive practice.
The mountain top mining is done by initially cleaning the densely forested areas and the result is  millions of tons of rock are dumped into surrounding valleys and rivers, polluting the headwaters that provide drinking water to millions of Americans.It is already known that many water bodies are already polluted in America because of faulty mining and industries. The Environmental Protection Agency has also taken steps in order to stop these minings. 
If the people keep taking initiative in such way then it would not be far when the would will again become a healthy place to live in. The results are still unknown, hope it becomes successful. 

Brooklyn on list again

Once again I got to hear about the water pollution. I do not understand that how people can be so careless. This time it was Brooklyn. two types of toxins have been found in the water. The Environment Protection Agency has given them order for clean up. It should begin by next spring according to the news of The New York Times.
It is good to see that the environmental agencies are doing something to control the amount of pollution.The people of Newton Creek are aware that the water body is polluted but still they catch fish and consume them. the pollution also effects the fishes of that water body and the toxins get accumulated in people's body as they consuming it. This will later cause a lot of diseases which they might be unknown of. 
Most of the toxins are in the form of pesticides, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds in the creek’s contaminated sediment. These are very much injurious to health. These also cause a great amount of damage to the marine life . Sometimes the fishes die because they consume this thinking to be a food. 
Now lets see hoe much work is done after the initiative is taken of cleaning the water way. http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20100927/REAL_ESTATE/100929856  

Teens having Whale ride

The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) has taken action on harassment of wildlife. They have imposed a fine on the teenager of $10,000. Finally the department is taking steps to stop the violation of environmental acts.http://www.smh.com.au/environment/whale-watch/huge-fines-for-teen-after-climbing-on-whale-20100926-15s31.html
why the people does not realise that their act is causing  disturbance in the life of the animals? They can not speak so one can not take the advantage of it. If someone disturb us then how we feel, same is their case. But people fail to realise it. The department has taken a good decision by imposing a fine. This way atleast they will think once before doing any such stupid stuff.     

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Violation of Nature's Law

The Bahamas government has almost given permission to Billionaire Aga Khan. Once again a case that proves that money can do any thing. the government is almost ready to give permission as in return they will be getting a huge amount for it in return.
the environmentalists are angry for this reason and they must be. the  building of private island in the marine park .The park is known for its pristine environment, and police fine locals and tourists and confiscate their boats if they are found fishing, camping or anchoring in protected areas. This  will cause a great amount of damage to the marine life. the water will also be polluted while the work will be done. How can the government react so casually to this matter. If the environmentalists did not interrupted the government would have given the permission.The project would require the dredging of nine acres (four hectares) of seabed in the Bahamas' oldest state park, as well as the excavation of five acres (two hectares) on land.http://www.google.co.in/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=1022&bih=472&q=Billionaire+Aga+Khan+seeks+permission+to+develop+inside+marine+park+in+Bahamas&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=67482a645e5d4a4b
This is completely against the nature's law. So it  must be stopped.  

River of Crude Oil

An unknown amount of crude oil has gotten past booms set up on the Strawberry River and entered the Duchesne River, according to the authority.
These paraffin-based black wax crude, which is produced in the oil fields of the Uintah Basin, is now affecting about three to four miles along both rivers. It has not been detected at booms set up near Bridgeland, about 10 miles away from the spot where it is believed it was dumped in the river. So what is the authority doing after knowing it.Later environmental department came to clean the water.http://www.abc4.com/content/news/state/story/Crude-oils-spills-in-Strawberry-Duchesne-rivers/Fmumej9whEWVaCZQ9JtIxw.cspx 
The water pollution is causing a huge amount of damage to the marine life. This also has a impact in drinking water and also on the farming. As this water is only used for these purposes in direct or indirect ways. 
Why is it so that the people do not realise that the pollution they are causing to the environment will in return harm their own lives later on.One should develop a good relation with the environment, as one has to always need help from  it. So maintain a balance relation. 

India's National Animal Under Threat

It’s very sad to know that there are only 1,411 tigers left in India and if no proper care is taken, they will extinct soon! Tigers are India's national animal but still this is the case.
In just 10 weeks since January, at least 13 tigers died, five each in January and March across the country.Last year, 60 deaths were recorded. Now, merely 3,500 big cats are left in the wild of which 1,411 are in India. Though there are so many reserve forests in India taking care of the area under their control. What are they doing?http://www.indiantiger.org/tiger-in-india/ The foreigners are taking initiative to save the tigers of India. Hollywood actor Leonardo Di Caprio is also taking part in it. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gBtckRxU8d9kfNS-gfDTJj_ruvUg 
So, it is high time that the Indians must take some initiative to save the tigers. Aircel has contributed a lot. It has done advertisements of saving tigers. Now it's our time to do something

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crackdown on Pollution

The federal  Environment Protect Agency (EPA)has finally taken steps to check pollution. It has started with Chesapeake Bay and has threatened five mid- Atlantic states with new rules and regulations.
The move by the Environmental Protection Agency is part of the biggest shakeup in the 27-year history of the Chesapeake cleanup. Earlier, when states failed to meet deadlines to cut pollution by 2000 and 2010, nothing happened.http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2010/09/epa_threatens_states_over_slow.html The problems that the state have been facing are efforts to control agricultural runoff, nutrient pollution from poultry and other livestock operations, and storm water runoff need improvements.http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20100925/NEWS02/9250347
 Though the deadline have been elongated to the year 2025. Now lets wait and watch what happens. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Money solves everything

Bayer Crop Science agreed to pay the state Department of Environmental Protection nearly half a million dollars to settle several alleged violations at its plant in Institute over the past year. 
But is that money can buy every thin. the condition of the plant has to be good so that the workers health is not affected.
Can the company stop the damage it is causing to the environment by just paying a big amount of money? Why is not the company thinking about it, why only the profit is the main the thing for them, not the condition of the place they are living in.the poisonous chemicals which they deposit in a underground tank effects the water of that community. This in turn affects the health of the people of that community. Not only this it also effects the marine life.The gases that it release to the air causes air pollution at the same time.the gases have a pungent smell causing difficulty for the local people.
The 2008 explosion and fire at the Institute site that killed Bayer employees. However, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board has said that the accident endangered a tank 80 feet away that was used for daytime storage of the deadly substance. Both the DEP and Bayer emphasized this week's settlement did not involve that incident. http://www.dailymail.com/News/Kanawha/201009220698 How a Institute can be so irresponsible? How can the DEP take it so easily and solve the matter with just taking some amount from them? If it continues this way then soon the environment will be destroyed.  

Australia at risk

Climatic changes are a huge threat to Australia. The changes are being caused due to their high standard of living. Australians have being fighting against the bushfires as an effect of climatic change. With the increase in these changes another threat that they will be facing or have started facing is flood.The beautiful beaches will be destroyed as the water levels have started to increase. The coastal areas are the one which will face this problem first. Million homes will be under the risk of losing their home and lives.  Not only the flood but also there are chances of drought and heatwaves.http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2010/s3018158.htm#

Australia generates it electricity from the thermal power. This process causes a lot of air pollution. At the same time it causes loss of fuels. It is continent with water on all side, than why are they not using water to generate electricity. The government must taking necessary steps to avoid such a huge disaster. It is their responsibility to look after the welfare of the people. The people also seems to feel reluctant about it. They are so used to lived in the lavish life style that they cannot think beyond it. Both have to take the initiative to reduce the pollution so that they can live a better life and continue enjoying the natural beauty. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pollution causes cardiac arrest

With the increase in the number of factories the pollution also seems to increase. No one is interested to know  what amount of damage it is causing to the nature. Has one ever thought why are there so much increase in the rate of sick persons? With the passage of time one gets to hear about new diseases. 

 Recently a study conducted by The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) showed that most of the people who suffer from cardiovascular disease, air pollution is one of the major cause.  Asthma is also caused by air pollution. People are not interested to know this stuff unless they are affected by it. Dr. Silverman and his fellow researchers reported that for a 10ug/m3 rise in small particle air pollution, there was a four-to-10 per cent increase in the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. The current EPA standard is 35ug/m3. The effect was much greater in the summer months.

When one has to keep his or her opinion about pollution they say many things but when asked why do not they take some initiative to reduce it, the answer is fixed. If the government is not doing anything what can. If one does his own bit than automatically a change will be seen.
The ultimate question remains as to who will be the first to take the initiative?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Kolkata on brink of Civil Disaster

The climate changes and global warming are causing disaster for many places. Kolkata especially the EM Bypass and its surrounding areas like Tiljala, Topsia, Tangra and Pagladanga will have the worst effect of environmental degradation because of rapid estate growth which can not match up with the improvement in civic amenities. This in turn will lead to the degradation of the city.
State chief environment officer Debal Roy said that the study conducted by the World Bank in Kolkata factored the social, economic and environmental circumstances. While they were identifying the areas where climatic change is can be seen, they also looked at the conditions of the drainage and sewage systems and also the hygiene of the places. They were alarmed to find that ponds in eastern fringes are being filled up to make way for buildings that are being constructed in an unplanned manner in an area without a proper drainage system. Repeated water logging and accumulation of garbage is slowly degrading the environment.
“Based on this report, the environment department is framing a new state action plan on climate change”, Roy said. Mayor Sovan Chatterjee said Kolkata Municipal Corporation would implement recommendations to improve the environment and include these measures in its own environment protection plan.: Kolkata on brink of civic disaster: World Bank study - Kolkata - City - The Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata-/Kolkata-on-brink-of-civic-disaster-World-Bank-study/articleshow/6477347.cms#ixzz0yMQOZPa2
The World Bank had earlier sanctioned Rs 347 crore for development of Bengal's coastal areas after the state submitted an integrated coastal zone management plan. So the question that rises is what is then the government doing?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Little Disaster

The other day, I read this news about oil spill where every day there was 5000 gallons of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico, which could have been worse thanks to the authorities. Funny though, Stephen Sears, chairman of the petroleum engineering department at Louisiana State University said “Typically, a very good well in the Gulf can produce 30,000 barrels a day, but that's under control. I have no idea what an uncontrolled release could be,”

Few people in India know about the oil spill and their effects as India is ranked 3rd in the world in pollution and people really don’t care about pollution as they live in it. Recently I came across this story of another oil spill which happened in Mumbai, India on August 7, 2010 where 400 tonnes of oil leaked according to government officials. This year alone saw 9 oil disasters which caused heavy damage to the environment. Marine life was disrupted and thousands of fishes and fragile species died. National geographic channel showed an exclusive story on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico where they showed a turtle which they could not catch as it was covered with oil. It died the same day. Tragic and Sad! I have seen blogs where people are collecting funds to donate in saving these lives.http://www.hindustantimes.com/HTHorizons/europe/Oil-spills-over-into-Jindal-high/SP-Article1-592832.aspx

  President Barak Obama has called the spill “a potentially unprecedented environmental disaster.” And some scientists have suggested that the oil might hitch a ride on the loop current in the gulf, bringing havoc to the Atlantic Coast.

Yet the Deepwater Horizon blowout is not unprecedented, nor is it yet among the worst oil accidents in history. And its ultimate impact will depend on a long list of interlinked variables, including the weather, ocean currents, the properties of the oil involved and the success or failure of the frantic efforts to stanch the flow and remediate its effects.

Lastly, I found an answer to one of my questions. The answer is “This is the reason for our fuel price hike”.



Hii! I am Ananya.This is my first blog and I am new to this. Blogs are places where you post your thought about what you feel and wish to share the same to people of your “frequency”. So, here I am. I have named it INTO THE CRADLE OF NATURE, I am very fond of nature so thought of expressing my views over the present environmental conditions. here one will find the latest environmental news.

you are free to give your comments, views and share your feelings. hope you all will like it.